Saturday, 7 February 2015

Easy hair treatment

Hello my little caterpillars!
It's Saturday morning, the sun's finally decided to show itself here in Luxembourg and for me it's time to wash my hair. If you have blond hair you probably know all the trouble which comes with it. Your hair is broken, it gets yellow, you get the worst split ends and it feels like straw. It's no secret you have to take care of it after all the aggressions and purple shampoos you make it go through. So today I decided to give my hair a healthy treatment. I went for a coconut oil mask. It's more than easy to do. All you'll need is a jar of coconut oil and a shower cap or a warm towel.

I went for the BioPlanète Virgin Coconut Oil which I got at a local health food store.

First scoop some of the oil onto a spoon. (My jar was in the cellar so it was pretty cold and it wasn't easy to scoop the right amount at once so what I did was that I scooped what I could get, I put it in my hands and rubbed them together so that both my hands were covered in clear oil).

Saturate your hair with the oil, take more if you need to. Run through your hair with a wide tooth comb.

Clip it to the top of your head and put on a shower cap or if you don't have one just wrap of warm towel around your head and leave it in for about 30-40 minutes. When the time is up, go and wash your hair, I washed it twice to be sure there was no oil left in my hair.
I'll be honest and admit it was the first time that I tried this treatment and I'm positively surprised. My hair feels so soft and healthy. Mhmmmmmmm so soft. :$

Tell me about your hair secrets in the comments! I'll be delighted to try them out.

This was my hair treatment tip, I hope it helped you out and I wish you a wonderful day.


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