Saturday, 14 February 2015

Ain't got nothing for your Valentine?

Hello my little caterpillars,
I told you before that I would do a second Valentine's Day DIY if I would get it the way I wanted, only I didn't know it would come up so late so forgive me for that. I was sick yesterday and had a few hours to finally prep my second present before my lovely boyfriend came to take care of me. :$ Since I didn't have my car and I couldn't leave the house, I couldn't go buy the missing items that I needed to finish the DIY and so I couldn't post this article yesterday, sorry. But better late than never right?
So my second present idea is the 52 reasons why I love you jar, but since my love and I haven't been dating for a year I did the 36 reasons why I love you jar.

You will need:
  • a jar
  • a ruler
  • a pencil
  • a paintbrush
  • some very thin paper or tissues (I found this lovely paper which is specially made to used with some glossy glue, the brand is called Decopatch)
  • some glossy glue (from the same brand)
  • one or two (depends on how many reasons you want to make) big coloured paper sheets

First you want to cut your.... let's call it Decopatch paper into the size and shape that you want.

Then use your brush to put a generous amount of glue onto the spot you'd like to put your piece of paper on.

After that, place your piece of paper onto the glued spot and again put a coat of glue (a thinner one this time) onto it starting from the centre towards the ends. Since you could still see the script of my jar through the paper I had to do this step twice to fully cover it up.

While your glue is drying you can start making your cards, mine are 7 cm wide and are 5 cm high, but the size totally depends on you. To be honest this step took me quite a while to get done with.

Cut them out and write your reasons down.

Write your title.

Finally decorate it the way you want. Since my cards are pretty stiff I couldn't roll them together and the inside of my jar looked pretty flat and boring, so I've put some dark red feathers in to give it more volume, I also glued a heart on the lid and hang a tag on the back (: and you can add so much more!

I really hope this didn't come too late and that I could help you.

What are your Valentin's Day present ideas?



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