How are you today?
I should actually be studying right now, but I definitely need a break after 4h straight of studies + 4h of school. Sooooo here I am talking to you again. :D
Today's post is about my tattoo experience. I know some of you (hopefully not all of you O: ) are telling yourself : what do I care about your tattoos? Well I know how I feel before a tattoo and especially how I felt before my first one, that it can be scary and that you might get cold feet etc. I'm not saying that I'm a total expert or something but sharing my experience may help you out with your anxieties and doubts. (:
So I have three tattoos, a quote on my left shoulder blade, a symbol on my right wrist and a bigger one on my right shoulder. (Sorry for the low quality pictures): )
My very first tattoo was the most stressful one as you may probably imagine. You're all excited, super nervous. Will it hurt? Will I regret it? Will it be as good as I hope it will? Will it look the way I want it to at all? And so many more questions. Girl / Dude I feel ya!
I was so nervous especially because I had a very last minute appointment and no kidding NOBODY had any time to come with me and I panicked so badly that I'd have to go alone and that's where the irony comes in: a few days earlier I fell onto a girl in the bus (yep totally me, so embarrassing) and we started talking on Facebook. So since nobody could accompany me, I asked her and she said yes! :D So if the bus hadn't stopped so abruptly, I wouldn't have fallen onto that girl and I would've gone on my own. The tattoo says "Everything happens for a reason" don't you think that it was fate? I did and still do. I didn't feel any pain at all it felt more like plugging mini pieces of hair. Really I could've slept during the whole cession, but the pain rate is different for everyone so don't rely on me on that point. (;
My second tattoo was the most important one of all since it's for my mom. It represents the infinity symbol with my mom's initials integrated. I had this idea for so long and when the day of the appointment finally came I was so happy and I could surprise my mom. I wasn't that nervous this time since I knew what it felt like and that wouldn't be painful at all (at least I hoped it would be the same as the first time) and thank god it wasn't. (:

My third tattoo is the biggest one I got so far and that's why it made the situation nerve wreaking again. A small tattoo is nothing compared to a big one (shocking I know), the fact that it will take WAY longer then any other one I had before (which were about 30 minutes each) plus the tattoo artist had to fill the inside of the tattoo which wasn't necessary with my other ones. Anyway I had the idea of getting two roses for a while, but since I wanted them to be pretty big the price would be pretty expensive too and I just didn't have that sort of money. I went to the shop to get some information (which of course includes the price) and the receptionist told me it would be about 350€ for both roses. I was totally surprised and immediately jumped on the occasion. A few months later the big day had come and my tattoo artist had the biggest cold EVER so he worked way slower than he'd normally have. It took him three hours for only one of the two roses and we decided to reschedule another appointment to do the second one since he's been feeling like crap and I was so in pain after all that stinging and whipping. urghhh.. Either way, the piercer who was at the reception told me that I'll be paying half now and the other half next time, I was like okay and he was like yeah that'll be 370 now and 270 next time. First I didn't realise the issue and suddenly I jumped up and was like WHATTTT??? The girl told it would be 350 for both! We were both in shock at one point I think haha. But I was so lucky that he didn't do both in one day! I mean how the f*** was I supposed to pay for that? O:
In the end everything went okay and I was able to pay for both and they both turned out really really great! I'm so happy with all my tattoos and don't regret any of them.
The advice I could give you before you make any decision to get a tattoo is that you should be a 100% sure of what you'd want to get, it should have a meaning to you, don't get anything tattooed just because you want a tattoo. Second, inform yourself about your tattoo artist (what his style is, check out some of his work etc.). Third, be sure to eat before your cession (if your heading toward an hour long cession you might get hungry or get weak du to the blood loss.
This might be it I think. (:
What tattoos do you have? What are your advices on what to do before getting a tattoo?
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