Sunday, 26 April 2015

Ohhh Paris you spoiled me part 2

Hello my little caterpillars,
How are you on this wonderful day? I have to admit I haven't had a lot of time to prepare articles for you guys since my exams are getting pretty damn close... But I try to do my best and write a many as I possibly can (:
If you follow me on Instagram (if you don't I'll link it down bellow) you know that I went to Paris last week for a school interview and of course there was some shopping involved (; I mean hellooo PARIS???? How can't someone go shopping in Paris? Right?
I know I already did a Paris haul a while ago, but I have to share my goodies I found in that wonderful city don't you agree?

So let's start with fashion. I didn't buy a lot of clothes I don't know why, I just didn't feel like it.

My first purchase was a grey wide slightly cropped t-shirt from Cheap Monday. I am in love with it! It's super comfy and feels so smooth on my skin. It looks pretty big on me but I love oversized clothes and this shirt is perfect!
Next I went to Abercrombie & Fitch where I found this lovely summer dress. It has this blue knitted detailing all over it and this small fringes on the bottom which looks amazing and super cute. It is perfect for a hot summer day with a hat and some booties it'll look great.

Now to one of my favourite items I bought: the Minnetonka sandals. These shoes are so cute and so comfortable it's amazing. I'm never able to find a proper pair of sandals which I really like, so when I found these it was love at first sight.

Let's move to my favourite part: make-up :D
Off course I bought some lipies, how could I not? :p 
First I bought the Mac Faux lipstick with the matching lip pencil in Soar which make a very pretty pinky/brownish colour. This combo is great for a natural and nude lip, perfect for an every day wear. 
Next up is the Too Faced Melted lipstick in Fig which is a soft purple colour which I love! I haven't tried it yet but I've seen how it looks and it's stunning.
And finally my love surprised me with the Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette which I wanted to purchase for so long but never had the opportunity to. Aaaaah I'm so happy, there are so many great looks possible with this palette. :D

What's a better souvenir than something you'll use every day from your favourite brand with place where you bought it written on it? Yes, I'm talking about the Mac "Champs-Elysées" make-up bag. Guys this thing is amazing! all of my make-up fits in there I never had such a great make-up bag! I totally recommend it and plus have you seen that design? It's just sick!

My last stop was the Disney Store... Where I went kind of crazy. I'm TsumTsum addicted guys, but look at these little things, they're adorable! My personal favourite is Thumper from Bambi, he's so cute :$ yep I'm a five year old....

And finally I told you I went to Paris for an Uni interview and I got in :D I have the great honour to be one of the few people who got accepted into that school :D I'm the happiest person ever right now. (:

Until next time,


I N S T A G R A M: Click here.
F A C E B O O K: Click here.
T W I T T E R: Click here.

Dress: Click here.
Mac Lipstick: Click here.
Mac Lip Pencil: Click here.
Too Faced Lipstick: Click here.
Too Faced Chocolate Bar: Click here.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The ugly duckling.

Hello my little caterpillars,
Yes It's been a while since my last post, but I kind of had a big lack of inspiration, I just couldn't find any ideas that I liked. So today I thought I'd show you nothing beauty related, but I'll be showing you how to customise a damaged book. It doesn't sound super interesting, but it really made a difference you'll see and it's really easy to make, it just takes quite some time (well I took a lot of time but I like to take my time :p)

So here's my super damaged book. It looks horrible (it looks worse in real life than on the pictures), but it was the very last one and they wouldn't get any new ones in and it's actually a gift for someone and I thought it was just the perfect gift for that person. I couldn't leave it like that and risking not to find a better gift, soooo I bought it and decided to slightly change it's appearance.  (; you'll see :p

You'll need:

  • some paper sheets with really cool designs on them
  • scissors
  • glue
  • a pencil
  • a ruler
  • and of course your book :D

Start by measuring how wide and high your book is and you may want to try drawing the measures on an other sheet of paper than the one you actually want to apply on your book (just to be sure your "drawing" is right for your book). If your sketch is right do the same on your actual sheet. Oh and don't forget to leave 1-2 extra centimetres on each end which you will fold and glue onto the inside of the book cover later on.

It's time to use your glue which you'll apply on the ends which go on the inside of the book. :D 

With your "base" done, you can add whatever you want to it, stickers, drawings, the title of your book maybe :p etc.

Aannd voila! That was it for this post, I know it's not really what I normally do but I tried to do something different. I'm not sure if this was okay so tell what you think about it in the comments and if I should do stuff like this more often. I enjoyed doing this and I love you guys very much and I'll try to post more regularly again at least once a week. (:

